DriverMax 6.37 With Keygen+Crack Free Full version Download
DriverMax is installed, the system allows the driver and archive them in case you reinstall your system. The program is very easy to use and allows to quickly install the system drivers stored in the archive. Perhaps you think that will be reinstalled all stuffing, which was on the disk, for example, the sound card. But it does not - will be reinstalled only the driver itself, and multimedia applications, diagnostic programs, etc. - this program leaves you. Therein lies the problem. On the other hand, not all want these various programs, and this category of people should be acquainted with the program, at least for fun. Interface, as well as its organization of work are very simple and ergonomic. To deal with it is not difficult. The program will help you easily and quickly pereutanovit all device drivers that are required for correct operation of devices on your computer in Windows. Just export them to a folder or file, and after reinstalling Windows to install everything you need from one source.
Key features:
• Provides detailed information about all the drivers, including the version, release date, etc.• Creation of a detailed report (TXT / HTM) about drivers.
• Make a backup copy of all the drivers installed in the specified folder.
• Ability to create a backup of the archive with the drivers.
• Import Wizard to install the drivers from the saved copy.
• Ability to check for the presence of the more recent drivers.