Friday, February 15, 2013

iTunes 11.0.1 (32-bit) Software Full Version Free Download

 iTunes 11.0.1 (32-bit) Software Full Version Free Download

  Latest version:

    iTunes 11.0.1 (32-bit)


    Windows XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8

    Author / product:

    Apple Inc / iTunes (32-bit)

    File size / license:

    83.11 MB / Freeware

iTunes is free multimedia and software organizing application for your PC. Not only does it let you to organize and play digital music, TV shows, movies, audiobooks and iOS applications, but it also enables you to synchronize all your collected data with all portables devices from Apple (such as iPhones, iPods and iPads). Process of gathering media and apps can be done by importing your own data from your PC, or on very user friendly online store that offers industry leading amounts of content. Purchases made on Apple iTunes store can be shared with all of your devices, which enable you to enjoy that content wherever you are.

If you own any of the iOS devices, use if iTunes will enable you to organize and purchase your media and mobile applications with ease. Another great addition is powerful Cloud Sync feature which transfers all of your purchases automatically across all of your devices.

What`s New in iTunes:

A Redesigned Player
A completely redesigned player. A newly remodeled store. And even more iCloud features. Everything you love about iTunes just got better. And easier.

Expanded View
Select one of your albums and now it will expand in place. That means you can see all the songs on the album, click Play, and keep right on browsing without having to click back to your library. You’ll also see In the Store recommendations for similar albums you’ll want to check out.

New MiniPlayer
More features into an even smaller MiniPlayer. Now you can click the Up Next button to see which songs are playing next. And if what you see isn’t what you’re in the mood for, you can search your collection and choose a different song — without having to open your library.

Bonus Features
Good recommendations are easy to come by, thanks to In the Store picks. Just select an album, artist, or genre you like, and iTunes will suggest similar music you might never have found on your own. Already know what you want to hear? The new Up Next feature in iTunes lets you select a song and easily queue it to play next. Or last.

iTunes Store New Design
The iTunes Store has been redesigned for your Mac, PC, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, so it looks and works the same wherever you shop. Easy-to-browse shelves serve up popular music, movies, TV shows, and more. And all the features you know and love are even easier to get to. It’s the best kind of shopping — simple.

Easier To Play
With iCloud, you can access your content on all your devices. And now, when you buy an album, song, movie, or TV show on any device, it’s instantly accessible in your iTunes library on your Mac or PC. Just double‑click to play. Or if you’re going offline — say, taking your notebook on a plane — click the new Download button and bring a copy with you.

Tags: itunes 32 bit for windows 7, free music player, download media player, apple music, i tunes 2012, download apple music, record cd, cd cover creator, itunesapple, music tune, cloud player, latest version of itunes

Download  Links:

Download : Click Here

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