KMSmicro Selection Edition 1.0.6 (A&B) | 27.0 Mb / 20.2 Mb
KMSmicro Selection Edition — new activator based on KMSnano, for Windows 8 and Office 2013. Offers "Selection Menu" to activate. KMSmicro Selection Edition is unique, because all the activation is automatic and is only to run the activator, no further action is required. After starting KMSmicro Selection Edition and choice of activation will automatically activate all products installed Microsoft, be it Windows 8 and Office 2013. If both produksta not activated, activates KMSmicro Selection Edition and Windows 8, and immediately Office 2013. In addition to using KMSmicro Selection Edition can activate Windows Vista / Windows 7 and Office 2010.
— Activate Windows 8 Enterprise;
— Activate Windows 8 Professional;
— Activate Microsoft Office 2013;
— Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2013;
— Activate Microsoft Office Project 2013;
— Activate Microsoft Office 2010;
— Activate Microsoft Office Visio 2010;
— Activate Microsoft Office Project 2010;
— Activate Windows 7 Enterprise;
— Activate Windows 7 Professional;
— Activate Windows Vista Enterprise;
— Activate Windows Vista Professional.
A. Automatic (Full Silent)
S. Semi-auto (Manual Activator with activation helpers)
M. Manual (Set RAM and Port)
K. KMS-Emulator (Activate Win7+Vista,Office2010)
F. Fix Hactivations :
C. Check Activation Status
V. Convert to Volume (converts windows or office if needed[will not affect retail installations])
Changelog v1.0.6 :
- Implemented KMSELDI GUI v16.0
- Bug fixes
Reliz A — bigger but a bit faster
Reliz B — smaller but a bit slower